Do people HEAL and SPEAK IN TONGUES today???

2 years ago

Is it true that sign gifts from the time of the apostles is still around? Can people speak in tongues or heal supernaturally just as the apostles?

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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.

so it's not like they were just hearing
for example spanish they were hearing
spanish in the dialect that was specific
to the region that they were born in
hey welcome back to bible line i'm your
host pastor jesse martinez and today's
video we're going to be talking about
sign gifts what did jesus mean
when he spoke in mark chapter 16 and
verse 17. so here's the question that
was sent in i have a question that i
can't get straight who is jesus talking
about in mark 16 17. it sounds like he's
talking about us believers the thing is
i've never seen a healing i've just
heard of them and some claimed they have
been healed for only three days
i've seen people place their hands on
the sick but nothing has actually
please help me out she adds a little bit
more to her question
world faith believers are doing this all
the time but nothing happens
also they claim to speak in tongues but
to me it sounds like gibberish
it's because it is
i in fact think they are doing this in
the flesh recently i listened to a
sermon from a world faith church and it
was nothing but an hour and ten minutes
of heresy i heard so much lunacy so it
was enough for a whole lifetime i want
the real gospel thank you in advance for
your answer it's a very good question
and a lot of people are kind of stuck
in this charismatic idea uh the
pentecostal movement with signs and
wonders and you're exactly right
no one actually is healed no
languages are spoken similar to the
languages that were spoken back in the
book of acts but we need to understand
exactly what jesus was talking about
there in mark chapter 16 in order to
understand what we could look for in the
so when jesus was speaking in mark
chapter 16 he was speaking to his
disciples and those that the disciples
would convert and we have this story
that plays out in the book of acts and
we can see when he says that these
people are going to these these
believers are going to have these signs
accompany them we actually see that
played out in the book of acts people
were getting healed the apostles were
healing people were being raised from
the dead they were speaking in tongues
but it was not the tongues that were
offered today the tongues that you see
today is exactly what it is it's a
heresy it's not anything compared to
what the new testament taught
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as far as miracles go jesus never said
how long these miracles would last we
have some examples in the old testament
like chapters 7 through 14 in exodus and
then first kings 17 all the way through
second kings chapter 10. there was a
period in time in which these miracles
existed and we now believe according to
first corinthians 13 8 that all those
signs gifts have ceased because we have
the completion of the word of god but i
think there's a strong compelling
argument here especially about tongues i
don't know about the person who sent the
question but i can talk from my own
experience i see a lot of people talking
in tongues supposedly and it's it's to
me as someone who knows the scripture
it's not convincing at all
but let's look at what actually happened
in the book of acts when the apostles
received the holy spirit follow me here
to acts chapter 2 and verse 6. now when
this was noise abroad the multitude came
together and were confounded okay they
were shocked by what the disciples were
because that every man heard them speak
in his own language now that is an
interesting thing to note
they did not hear them speak in another
language but they all heard him in their
own language
so much to say in acts chapter 2 and
verse 7
and they were all amazed and marveled
saying one to another behold are not all
these which speak galileans
now here's what this is indicating here
the people who heard the disciples
speaking in these languages that were
not their native tongue were shocked
enough to realize that hey these are
just people from galilee
they're not educated enough to know all
these different languages how in the
world are they doing this look in verse
8 and how here we every man in our own
wherein we were born
and then verses 9 10 and 11 go through
all the different regions that were
present and when you look at that word
language there in the original context
it means in their dialect in their own
tongue so it's not like they were just
hearing for example spanish they were
hearing spanish in the dialect that was
specific to the region that they were
born in and we know that the apostles
were teaching the word of god so it
wasn't some heavenly language that
needed to be interpreted or we just kind
of trusted god that we would understand
it in our own prayer tongue there's no
evidence for that in the scripture as a
matter of fact this was languages that
were already understood
and it was enough to cause the people
who heard it to be amazed and then peter
goes into his first sermon thereafter
pentecost so i hope that this gives you
a clear answer to your question jesus
was talking to the disciples and those
of the disciples would win to christ
they would have these miracles for a
certain period of time as the completion
of the bible came into completion we no
longer have those gifts any kind of
modern day signs gifts like healing or
tongues we can verify that according to
the scripture as being false i hope that
gives you a good answer and make sure
that you tune in next time until that
time keep looking up jesus christ is
coming soon
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teaching bible and as a ministry of
calgary community church located in
tampa florida

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