Florida Sends a Clear Signal to Election Criminals and Arrests 20 Perpetrators for Fraud

1 year ago

Gov. Ron DeSantis: "We've done more on election integrity than any state in the country. We've done things like make ballot harvesting a felony offense in the state of Florida. We have said that you cannot just send out mass ballots without the voter requesting an absentee ballot. We've said that for absentee ballot requests, there needs to be an identification, just like if you go into the polling place, you have to show an ID to vote in person. We want to make sure that absentee ballot is actually going to the voter who's requesting it."

Statement: "In 2020, Florida ran an efficient, transparent election that avoided the major problems we saw in other states. At the same time, the election was not perfect, which is why we continue our efforts to ensure the integrity of our elections. Our new election crimes office has sprung into action to hold individuals accountable for voter fraud. Today's actions send a clear signal to those who are thinking about ballot harvesting or fraudulently voting. If you commit an elections crime, you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

Full Video: https://tinyurl.com/DeSantis-Election

Article: https://flgov.com/2022/08/18/governor-desantis-announces-the-arrest-of-20-elections-criminals/

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