Second Amendment, Gun, Self Defense Rights. Rights T Shirts. Long live civil rights.

2 years ago

Two great gun rights shirts and showing how silly the anti gunners are and why these megalomaniac control freak, despot wannabes really need to just disappear already. Anyone knows that they don't want to save lives or any of that virtue signaling mumbo jumbo and simply just want control, power, revenge, conformity, blind obedience, submission, domination and nothing more. Perhaps they should quit being selective and more. People should be able to own what they want and simply owning an item isn't affecting anyone despite all the lame excuses and rationalizations. Nobody needs these items or various other items? Well, nobody needs a whiny little bitch or a whiny, coercion loving shithead either, yet here they are with their constant whining and cacophonous banshee cries, yet here they are. Long live self defense rights and screw all these freedom hating, coercion loving, fraidy cat, irrational fears induced weenies that live in cushy areas. Screw Shannon Watts, Steve Hoffstetter, David Hogg, Emma Gonzalez, Jojo from Jerz, Barbra Streisand, Mark Ruffalo, Mark Hamill, Albert Brooks, Keith Olbermann, Cenk Ugyor, George Takei, Bette Midler, Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Rob Reiner, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Meyers, Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah, Amy Schumer, Alyssa Milano, Stephen King and all the other anti gun, freedom hating, high class privileged, cushy gated community, armed security protected, ivory tower living, silver spoon sucking, coastal elite, snobby freaks that really need to just stay in their lane and shut the fuck up about politics. We get it, you all hate that the lowly peasantry are able to speak and have rights while you aristocratic snobs are shielded off from the general populace in coddled country estates sipping champagne and stuffing your face with caviar and premium lobster. Coastal elites, aristocrats and the like are truly some of the worst and are really such obsessive control freaks along with anti gun nitwits. Move to North Korea already.

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