Health Benefits of Yams and Sweet Potatoes

1 year ago

Health Benefits of Yams and Sweet Potatoes Which is Healthier. Grab your Home Remedies & Cures Guide for over 100 Ailments for Free here:

In today's video I will go over what are the health benefits of sweet potatoes and yams.

There are many benefits to eating sweet potatoes and yams. There is a big difference in nutritional facts between the two potatoes.

Most people don't realize that the two taters are completely two different vegetables. One has a completely different texture than the other and the other one is a completely different taste than the other.

Most of us will associate yams with a certain holiday like Thanksgiving with the brown sugar and the marshmallows on top of them very very tasty.

There is a big difference in the vitamins and minerals between these two tasty vegetables.

Sweet potatoes have a lot more vitamins and minerals in them than yams. It basically comes down to what you prefer.

Both are very high in fiber which is good. I do not want to bore you in this video and break down all the nutritional facts of both vegetables if you would like to see more of the health and nutritional facts of these two vegetables just Google it Google it you will find more than enough information.

Okay, well I hope you enjoyed today's video on Health Benefits of Yams and Sweet Potatoes.

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