你只配下地狱(finalcall07)You Deserve HELL

2 years ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/hxGy_0UzAJo

2013年12月7日 Originally posted by finalcall07(Jan Boshoff)

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/finalcall07

Visit him at: http://www.finalcall07.com

所有人都犯了罪,亏缺了上帝的荣耀,所有的人都只配下地狱,包括你和我。但如果我们悔改自己的恶行,拥抱耶稣基督作为我们的主和主宰,我们跟随他直到最后,他会引导我们进入上帝的国,他会 赐给我们永生。我们永远不会、也永远配不上上帝的恩典,我们都是不配得、没有资格的,这就是为什么,只有藉着耶稣基督,我们才有了永生的盼望。没有耶稣我们什么都做不了,我们必须跟随和顺服他,直到最后。我们绝不能傲慢自大,认为我们比别人要好,或者认为我们配得什么的话,那我们就近乎跌倒了。我们每一天必须谦卑的降服于耶稣,跟随他直到最后。我们必须在耶稣基督、我们的主和主宰面前永远保持谦卑,要知道我们现在命悬一线,而这条线就是上帝的恩典。不要轻看上帝的恩典,不要自夸,因为那样我们就会跌倒。耶稣基督是主,而我们是不配得,也是没有资格的。让我们真正把耶稣基督当作主来侍奉,这样他会喜悦我们,也会接纳我们进入他属天的国度。

All men have sinned and come short of the glory of God and they all deserve hell, that includes you and me. But IF we repent of our wicked ways and we embrace Jesus Christ as LORD and MASTER and we FOLLOW Him until the very end then He will lead us into the Kingdom of God, He will GIVE us eternal life.
We will never be or never become DESERVING of the grace of God. WE ARE UNWORTHY and that is why only through Jesus Christ we have any hope of eternal life. Without Jesus we can do nothing but we must follow and obey Him until the very end. We must never become arrogant and think that we are better than anybody else or that we deserve anything because then we are close to the fall. We must HUMBLY SUBMIT ourselves to Jesus every day and follow Him until the very end. We must always be humble before Jesus Christ our Lord and Master and know that our life hangs on a thread, that thread is the grace of God. Let us not despise the Grace of God. Let us not become boastful because then we will fall.
Jesus Chris is LORD and we are UNDESERVING, UNWORTHY. Let us SERVE Jesus Christ as LORD so that He can be pleased with us and accept us into His Heavenly Kingdom.
May Jesus bless you.

Visit me at: http://www.finalcall07.com
email: finalcall07@gmail.com

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