CDC finally admits to botching 'pandemic' response

2 years ago

Peter McCullough, MD, MPH and Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD speak with Laura Ingraham on 8/18/2022.

Prof. Christian Perronne wrote a book titled: 'Y a-t-il une erreur qu'ils n'ont pas commise?'. Translated: 'Is there a mistake they didn't make?"

Literally EVERY measure and EVERY piece of advice was detrimental from a public health perspective. They blocked safe, effective early treatment (which is highly beneficial to health), but condoned or encouraged paracetamol (which hampers the functional immune response of fever).

They advised to socially distance, wash hands, wear face masks, do lockdowns. All of these have marginal to negative benefit and many of these cause enormous harm physically, psychologically and economically.

They told us to stay inside, while this is the most dangerous place. They did not advise to adequately ventilate and have optimal humidity (40-60%).

They chose 24/7 fear propaganda, which harms the immune system. They did not advise anything related to boosting immune function, such as vitamin D, going out in the sun, healthy diet and lifestyle.

They 'treated' late stage disease with incredibly harmful medications and interventions, such as remdesivir and early intubation.

They more or less mandated mass injection with an unnecessary product that has negative efficacy, is highly toxic, and causes VAIDS.

They slandered all information that did not fit with the narrative as 'misinformation', and subsequently intimidated, censored, slandered, etc. The superspreading of medically countereffective information and censoring of beneficial information, has caused untold harm.

If you really wanted to harm public health, it would be hard to improve upon their policies. I realized a long time ago that this was not about public health. It is becoming ever clearer that they may have intentionally tried to harm public health.


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