Unbelief & Scrupulosity

1 year ago

Unbelief & Scrupulosity

July 11, 2022

(Watch the Vimeo video)

Lord Jesus, thank You so much for teaching us the difference between unbelief and holy caution. Amen.

Jesus- And to give you a little background on this, still struggling with that piece of equipment from my work, I just do not have an ease, a sense of peace in my heart and I could not figure out why. And He clarified it for me. The source I was going to get it from is not the right source. Now I have peace, but He did talk to me a little bit about being Thomas' twin. So, here we go.

Jesus began, "Let Me lift you out of this place."

I said, please Lord, there is a war going on inside of me. I just do not have your peace.

He said, "Does that surprise you?"

No, I guess not.

Ok. So, I went to the Bible Promises again just to get a confirmation. And I got Obedience, do what you were told to do, and I still felt awkward but what happened was it came into my mind, I am sure, my angel or the Lord, what about the source? Is this the right source for what I need? And I got a thumbs down on this. He is not the right source. And all of a sudden, all that fear and unbelief left me. So that is what it is! Wow Lord, finally release, thank You.

He said, "Didn't I begin this message by telling you I will take you out of this pit?"

Thank You Lord. Oh, what terrible things are planned for this world.

He changed the subject. "That is correct, you are truly in end times, full force. But I am protecting you, all of you. Yes, there is persecution but nothing that will keep you from working. You will always have My work to do."

I was thinking about the internet because that is how we get messages to people.

Then I said Jesus, I trust in You. But what if there is no more internet?

"There will always be work for you to do, please take a grain of your own advice, 'Do not try to solve tomorrow's problems with today's grace."'

I said-

And then He said, "May I say it?"

What Lord?

Yes, You may say it. What is it?

"You worry too much, please trust Me more."

He held me close to His Heart, and told me that He loved me so much, but when will I trust Him?

I said, I need that grace.

And He said, "I have given it, but where is your correspondence to grace, to My gift? Indeed, you are trying, but I do not want this community to follow your lack of trust. Tell them this please. It is from Me."

Did everybody get that? Ok. I laughed. Well, anyway - no, that is not right, I did not laugh, I skipped ahead.

He hugged me again, "Oh Clare, I love you so much, you certainly are a classic example of my Apostle Thomas. You could call for his prayers, you know. He no longer has doubts."

And I laughed...Yes, he is in Heaven, how can that-how can he?

And He said, "No, seriously, you are his twin! But it must be that way if I am to touch those who are bound in chains by fear. I must work with a pitiful example of unbelief, that even the lowliest soul will resonate with. But I will give you this, you have tried to be faithful with My resources and for this I am proud. You did not have peace because this was not the right source for what I asked you to get. Now I will connect with the right one. Can you trust this?"

Uh-I think I can! -More laughter.

"You are going to blossom with this gift. Did I not tell you that I am giving you a new life? This is a part of that, and you will learn quickly."

Thank You, Lord.

"Now, since you are out of the pit can we move forward?"

Yes Lord.

"Again, thank you for being so careful, you are learning, but I want to speak to you about Pride. Pride always assumes it is right and leaves no room for questioning."

So, I asked Him, how do I reconcile that with unbelief?

"It is indeed a fine line," He replied, "that you must learn to distinguish. You can also make the excuse that you are afraid of offending with unbelief."

Yes, if I were afraid of that then I would not ask anyone else to help me discern and that would not be good either.

"That," He continued, "That can be used as an excuse to keep one from using more discernment, going to other sources to discern. Always with these issues, consult your conscience, if you have no peace, there is good reason for this.

"In this particular case, I withheld that peace because I had a better source for you. At the last moment, with the help of your angel, you sought me about the source, and I answered you. So now that you have peace, you can move forward without being scrupulous. Right?"

And just so you know, scrupulosity is- it is like unbelief, but it is taking something and examining it from every direction to make sure it is the Lord, even when the person has had confirmations that it is the Lord. Then you are being scrupulous.

And I said- We can move for-He said, "We can move forward without being scrupulous, right?"

And I said, Ummmm.... right!!

"Now do you see why I called you Thomas's twin?"

I laughed. I do. Lord, I receive your peace and am so happy I will have them sooner.

Yes, the date for obtaining them was two-thousand twenty-four, they have to be made. So, I said-

"My dear ones," Jesus continued, "there is a fine line to walk between holy caution and unbelief. It is yours to discern with My grace, I will always help you, but do ask Me, and when you ask, believe you will truly get this help."

And that was the end of His message.

And I put on after that, "The Hills Are Alive with The Sound of Music."

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