We have a duty to disobey

2 years ago

Disobedience is an obligation when to do otherwise would put us out of alignment with God.

If you haven't yet seen JP Sears recent video, "Why I Changed My Mind About Evil," then please go check it out after viewing the short clip I've shared here from Leigh Dundas.

JP always nails it, and the video linked below is no exception. He offers suggestions for what we can do so that freedom (God) may prevail over tyranny (evil). The most important of his suggestions is to "Stay Aligned." All of the things he advises us to do will fall apart if we do not act in accordance with our principles and values, which are rooted in our faith. When we do not openly and actively LIVE our faith, we are most definitely out of alignment.

JP says that we must have the "courage of the warrior's spirit," and that people often struggle with that. But it is courage which allows us to stay, as JP says, "unapologetically" aligned. The "unapologetic" part requires having the courage of one's convictions to act, even (as he also points out) in ways that can pull us out of our comfort zone. That means doing what your gut feeling is telling you is right, even when you try to tell yourself that you "have no choice."

The Gateway Pundit article, from which the clip of Dundas is excerpted can be viewed at the link below. It is worth visiting the link to hear what else she has to say.


The AwakenWithJP video can be viewed here:


I offer a brief commentary of them both here:

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