Is performance anxiety or stress holding you back?

2 years ago

Is performance anxiety or stress holding you back from pursuing your business, relationships, a physical challenge, or anything else?

Promotion, presenting, and persuading are part and parcel with business and career success.

Fear of public speaking is considered a form of anxiety and is pervasive. It is widely considered to be a greater fear for most, than death. I’d include other promotional activities like putting yourself/business out there, meeting new friends and potential partners and sharing ideas in the workplace into this category.

Humans are wired for connection, and many of us instinctually do not want to raise our heads above the crowd or be a city on a hill.

The irony, that most people who reach the end of their life, often wish they would have pursued their passions with greater vigor.

There are practical, daily solutions to conquer performance anxiety and more permanent, transformational ones.

I love that this client had an immediate outcome after working together.

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Hypnosis, hypnotherapy and Rapid Transformational Therapy are not a substitute for the advice of your medical doctor. All content presented on this channel is for educational purposes only and should only be considered as general information. All claims and advice on this channel represent an ideal outcome. Individual results may vary and cannot be guaranteed.
Anxiety, anxiety for men, anxiety for professionals, stress, generalized anxiety, depression, fears, phobias, self-sabotage, performance anxiety, low energy, panic attacks, negative thinking, people pleasing, worry, overwhelm, procrastination, therapy, hypnotherapy, hypnosis, Rapid Transformational Therapy, RTT, coaching, wellness, yoga, meditation, martial arts, kung fu, breathwork, How to conquer anxiety quickly, subconscious mind, transformation, change, breaking old patterns, mental health,
To Your Success!
Lynn C. Cox, Anxiety Expert at

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