Scott Ritsema- 7 Deadly Myths- (7/10) Mark of the Beast- Part 1

2 years ago

Tonight the focus is on the beast, before you identify the mark of the beast in prophecy you have to allow the bible to do the teaching to our hearts and minds of who is the beast, the anti Christ, he goes by many names.

Don’t be fooled! Believing myths can have deadly consequences. That’s why you shouldn’t miss this thrilling, eye-opening series that uncovers the outright myths and deceptions invading Christianity today—and how it is transforming and twisting the message of Jesus and the Bible.

Presented by author and speaker Scott Ritsema, The 7 Deadly Myths in Christianity is an insightful, life-changing, and unique ten-part series that boldly addresses the importance of knowing the truth in our times, the perils of moral relativism, the nature of God’s character, and how the final battle between good and evil will soon lead the world to Armageddon.

Presented April 09, 2021
Sign up for a free (digital) book from Scott Ritsema, when published - Coming summer, 2021...adapted and EXPANDED content from this 7 Deadly Myths seminar series.
Don’t be fooled! Believing myths can have deadly consequences. That’s why you shouldn’t miss this thrilling, eye-opening series that uncovers the outright myths and deceptions invading Christianity today—and how it is transforming and twisting the message of Jesus and the Bible.

Amazing Facts Ministries:
Belt of Truth Ministries:

Source: Playlist 7 Deadly Myths

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