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My Story With Donald J Trump !

2 years ago

My story is your story. His journey is your journey.
MAGA. Magaa.
Dan Scavino

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Ive loved DJ Trump ever since i saw him on Rona Barret , 0prah , Phil Donahue ( he quashed that effort of Phils(a globalist/socialist/ commie) to turn the audience against him -- simply by telling the truth and presenting factual reasoning. . . DJT was very young in those interviews but has never changed --his integrity always remained NOBODY could get him to drink or take drugs although the political establishment & their minions tried. Trump is tried and true. He couldnt be bullied or bought so they are trying like hell to keep him out of the White House. There arms are too short and weak to box with the Almighty God. Its over for them all.