Our Focus is November, not the smoke and mirrors the MSM is spouting

2 years ago

Rudy Giuliani was in Atlanta yesterday. Vernon Jones was with him during the day. We will have Vernon on at 8:30 this morning.
We know the smoke screen they are running. Every liberal deep state writer, journalist. They are in panic mode. Silicon valley is in panic mode. Adding a level of spanish language fact checking because the spanish vote is moving republicans that could change the outcome of the election. Then there is always the black male vote.
Pence is in NH. chaney got beat 790-30 and joe called biden yesterday to tell her how sorry he is how she got her ass handed to her.
Don’t talk to people about the raid, the election, unless they want to. When talking to people about the economy don’t mention anything politics. You don't have to tell them that Trump won the election in 2020 and that they cheated in GA. you don't win the house by sizable numbers by bringing up the election. Our total focus has to be November right now. The only steps we have right now is November, we have to focus. We have the issues. The door we have to talk to people is the prices we are paying at the store not the mar a lago raid. They are the ones that are putting up a smoke screen.
They are going to try and label us extreme. They are going to say Trump 100 times a day. Rudy a 100 times a day. Documents, National Archives. No mention of the 87k IRS agents. The price of the school supplies.
The raid is not number one on my priority list, covid isn’t, the grand jury isn’t. What our issue is, the Feds sees inflation staying uncomfortably high. More interest rate hikes are coming. The feds have stated they are ready to continue to increase rates.
Target earnings take a huge hit as retailers sell off unwanted inventory. Walmart sales have gone up but they are reporting the increase of groceries. US retail sales stall as gasoline prices decline. We have the issues. Sales are down. The gas prices are coming down but it doesn't matter because of the increase in clothing, groceries and school supplies.
They are waiting to have the celebration on Joe’s approval rating going up. They haven't gone up enough.
The release of the surveillance video of Mar-a-Lago is not a good idea, unless the judge demands, due to the compromise of security. But as far as the affidavit. It would be a good thing for it to be released.

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