The David Knight Show 18Aug22 - Unabridged

2 years ago

* Gates takes credit for MASSIVE climate change bill masquerading as "Inflation Reduction"
51 years ago Nixon did a GreatReset of the Dollar — what are the lessons for what's coming?
* Thailand study shows massive heart disease of TEENS after TrumpShots
* Depopulation Shot: Pfizer & FDA covered up knowledge about miscarriages post-tax
* Liz Cheney, pushing Civil War, using Trump to do it
* The failure of petition to get recall of Soros' DA on ballot shows how elections are rigged before they're even started
* Americans sue Pompeo, Trump's CIA head, for violating FISA, copying and searching phones, to come after Assange. Now FBI is doing SAME to a sitting congressman
* Another propaganda piece pushing crickets as a replacement for food
* Libertarian institutes like Reason & CATO say they have "The Truth About Globalism" — they couldn't be more WRONG
* Biden's Climate Change "scientist" banned for 5 years by the National Academy of Sciences for false scientific paper. Her job in Biden White House? Pushing "scientific integrity" through censorship

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