An Ayurvedic Look At The Carnivore Diet

2 years ago

An Ayurvedic Look At The Carnivore Diet
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Episode 145

** Episode Topics **

Modern day Ayurveda is not real Ayurveda as written by Charaka
Charaka is the original Ayurvedic physician and the author of traditional Ayurveda
Charaka would have a steak with Shawn Baker (one of the main proponents of the carnivore diet)
Chapter 9, verse 4 of Charaka Samhita says: "Health is known as happiness while disorder is unhappiness. "
If you are unhappy, you are sick according to Charaka
Charaka Samhita says the sicker you are, the more cooked meat you should be eating
Ayurveda was not written by yogis looking for enlightenment
The rishis who composed Ayurveda wanted to thrive
The "bible" of modern day's yoga, the Patanjali Sutras is a lot newer than traditional Ayurveda
For long term thriving, Charaka advocates maintaining a dynamic balance in everything we do
The term that is repeatedly used by Charaka is "equilibrium"
Equilibrium of our doshas, dhatus (tissues) and digestive fire
As humans, we are not meant to sustain extremes for a long period of time
As humans, we are meant to always adapt in order to maintain an equilibrium that allows "flow"
If we are not careful, when we try to remove ourselves from one extreme situation, we create its opposite extreme situation
The carnivore diet is an ayurvedic diet
Veganism and vegetarianism are not ayurvedic diets
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May we all be well, adapt and thrive! - Tim and Vie

** Other Resources **

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May we all be well, adapt and thrive! - Tim and Vie

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