Finnish PM Sanna Marin’s Right enjoying a party: Western culture, Western Civilization, Ethos

1 year ago

Leaked video of Sanna Marin dancing exuberantly has sparked controversy in Finland, with critics of the 36-year-old prime minister accusing her of inappropriate behaviour and supporters praising her style and defending her right to party.

The video, first published by the tabloid Iltalehti and compiled from several since-deleted Instagram clips, shows Finland’s youngest ever leader dancing enthusiastically and drinking with friends, apparently in a private apartment.
Finland's Prime Minister Sanna Marin has had to defend her private life after a video emerged of her enjoying a party with friends.

On the video, Marin is shown in several scenes apparently at a private residence, hugging her friends, and singing and dancing along to Finnish pop music.

Among the other guests enjoying the party are Finnish chart-topper Alma, a member of parliament, a couple of radio show hosts and a celebrity stylist.

"I have danced, sung, celebrated, done legal things," Marin told reporters on Thursday morning in Kuopio, a city on the eastern border near Russia, where her MPs are meeting for their annual summer conference.

"I have a family life, a work life and also my free time, and I spend time with my friends", said Marin, who also mentioned her official security detail was stationed nearby when the party took place, although they weren't inside the event.
"I have nothing to conceal or hide," she said.
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