Chicken Coop and Run - a bit more toward self sufficiency......

2 years ago

Just a short video showing what I've been working on for the last month or so.
Solar powered shed light (Amazon):
Shed vents (Amazon):
All the fencing is pressure treated but since anything useful for preserving wood has been removed from the 'treatment' due to ecomentalism I coated everything with creosote - it's the difference between having the posts last for 5-6 years and 20+ years.
Big difference.
The hen coop was made from an 8' x 6' shed I've had for many years and the conversion was easy.
The eggs have beautiful orange yolks as I feed the hens a varied diet and supplement with leafy greens from the garden (cabbage, lettuce, swiss chard etc.)
Having a reliable egg supply added to the organic vegetable supply is a great boost and something I've been planning for many years but never had the correct part of my site developed until recently. Some of the land was leveled by a mini digger and I dug the rest out by hand.
Since there is a war on food actively being waged by every govern-ment to create the next engineered 'crisis' it makes perfect sense to plan and take steps to not get involved in their 'Food Chain Reaction Game' (look it up.....).
Extensive Vegetable gardens?
Double glazed greenhouse with hydroponic systems?
60+ fruit trees planted around the property?
Spring fed pond full of Trout and Crayfish?
Off grid solar system?
Generator input to house?
Means to shoot, hunt, trap and fish?
I'm gradually ticking off projects on the list but what you see in my videos has taken 20+ years to create.
It's a great shame that the events of early 2020 were necessary to shake some people awake (and now they're playing catch up) but the effects of that have been fantastic to see with so many people now growing their own food, learning about 'alternative' ways of living and being less reliant on our govern-ment which were regarded as perfectly normal 50+ years ago.
Govern (to control) Ment (movement / mind).........makes sense when you look at the Latin root words....
How are your plans going?

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