Episode 14: The Expression of Truth Always | I Gave Up My Life to Find IT

2 years ago

As you realize your Truth, life seems magical because it is the infallible way you live. The more the divine Self becomes personified as part of your humanness, the more substantial your expression of Truth is realized as the limitlessness of all in life.

If your mind tries to entice you to the past or future, remember, that energy stems from your consciousness. It is nothing more than your creation, so you identify and repair the break and transform the energy to Love. God is unconditional Love, omnipresent and infinite substance. That is what make it the Infallible Way to enlightenment.

You do not merely think or imagine your enlightened Self, you do it, you are it, continuously. You need not ask for it; rather, you rise to its expression. You arise in consciousness to your Truth that you are One with the Whole of God. You stripped away those old patterns and concepts. In fact, you are beyond perceptions of limitations and bondage. Alive in your true purpose, you are fulfilled and content, and all flows in response to consciousness.

No supports of any kind are needed because there is nothing to support. A separate you no longer exists. You realize that all created out of resisting mind were nothing more than feeble illusions. Freedom stems from you realizing who and what you ARE. You have overcome the resistant mind that held you in the past.

The Truth is ever new, it exists only in the now. The highest Truth is beyond knowledge and experience, beyond time and space. You awaken to the perfect unity of an Unknown. You overcome a need to fight with self to make decisions. There is nothing to contemplate since all is present and available. Living in the perfect confidence of Ultimate Reality, all operates as the perfect state of affairs. A life of Truth is one of insecurity; you live and act from the Unknown. The more you walk into insecurity, the more you notice how secure and safe it really is. You finally realize that while you resisted Truth that was really the unsafe place.

As you realize Truth, life seems magical because it is the Infallible Way you live. The more the divine Self becomes personified as part of your humanness, the more substantial your expression of Truth is realized in all of life. The divine integrates with your person; your essence is ONE. It is the way you live and share. One with the Whole of God, you realize your insight of pure expression to Love, to create perfectly and abundantly. Exhilarated and regenerated, you open to new beginnings; without the need to struggle or fight

Now, you embrace deeper certainties about your true Self. Your mind relaxes in the certainty of the Unknown. Liberation becomes a lasting condition. As you express Truth, you realize the grandness in the way you live life, and all happens spontaneously. As it initiates from the intuition of the true Self, you are truly Free!

You finally embrace the corresponding joy and wonder of life in Love that is all the time present and available in the Infallible Way. Then, you share it with all in your personal world, society, and the world at large. One by one, we make a difference

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