Patrick Holford - How Vitamin C Helps to Boost Immunity During a Pandemic (May 2021)

1 year ago

Good interview between dr. Sam Dubé and Patrick Holford.


11:00 Linus Pauling already realized that high doses of vitamin C (VC) also work against cancer. It has now also been confirmed that chemotherapy in combination with high doses of VC works better than chemotherapy alone in breast cancer, among other things.

15:00 VC blood values:
* <11 mcmol/l: much too low, scurvy level
* <23 mcmol/l: too low, hypovitaminosis C
* >50 mcmol/l: adequate according to government
* 60-80 mcmol/l: concentrations in most animals whose body can produce VC itself

17:00 In Finland, the authorities advise supplementing vitamin D (VD). Is it a coincidence that they score very well in the C19 statistics?

Harri Hemilä is like VC's Dr. Spock. He has been working on this topic for decades and has shown that there is a dose-dependent effect. From a daily staggered dose of 6-8 g, you get a 20% shortened duration of colds.
In addition to dose (size and distribution), timing is also a crucial factor. The sooner you start supplementing, the better. Another study found that if you take 8 g of VC within 24 hours of first symptoms, 43% had no complaints within 24 hours.

19:00 Pauling's advice of taking 1 gram of VC per hour until symptoms are gone has never been tested in a good randomized controlled trial (RCT).

22:00 It appears that the known risk factors for C19 such as age, underlying conditions, gender, etc. correlate even better with VC status:

* AGE: Older people absorb VC less and also have more oxidative stress, so need more VC. 1 g VC leads to less increase in blood value in the elderly than in young people. dr. Arvindi from Colorado measured VC and VD values ​​for patients in the ICU. (FP: Was this for C19 or in general?) He concluded that VD level was generally too low, but did not predict survival rates. The VC values did. VC values predicted survival better than age.

* GENDER: If a man and woman take 1 g of VC, women's blood levels will rise more than a man's. (FP: Weight also plays a role in this, as women tend to be lighter than men, although the difference due to overweight may be smaller these days.) It's not clear why this is, but it is. The same happens with omega 3 fatty acids.

* POVERTY: 15% of poorer people have scurvy level VC.

* SKIN COLOR: The darker the skin, the lower the VD level in general, but dark-skinned people tend to have lower VC levels as well.

* DIABETES: Diabetics not only have problems with sugar metabolism, but also VC metabolism. The transport system for VC is the same as that used for glucose.

* HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: A good meta-analysis shows that 2 g/day VC already leads to a reduction in blood pressure.

* THYROID: 2 g/day VC contributes to optimization of thyroid function and hormones. A classic disturbance is too high TSH and too low thyroxine. VC in that case lowers TSH and increases thyroxine.

28:00 Most mammals can make their own VC. Humans, primates, (fruit) bats, capybara and guinea pigs can no longer do that. That seems like a disadvantage, and it is under certain conditions, but by eating vitamin C, we have more glucose left for our energy supply.

30:00 Holford argues well that we didn't immediately fall out of the tree during evolution and start hunting, because we can't crawl and sprint very well, for example, while that is essential for good hunting. Instead, we sought out the water's edge. We have developed some subcutaneous fat, which is typical for animals that live in and around water. When our hands get wet, our skin becomes wrinkled, making it easier for us to grip fish. Our brains also consist largely of omega 3 fatty acids. We ate everything that lived in and around the water.

The hunting of large animals probably came later. The size of our brains has decreased since about 10,000 years ago, coinciding with big game hunting.

37:00 Over the past 45 years, Holford has reduced the essence of all disease to these factors: ignorance and addiction.

One way to treat a panic attack is to put your head in a basin of water. This has to do with the diving reflex that turns off the adrenaline response.

40:00 Selenium is a hugely important antioxidant. Under normal circumstances, our intake of this mineral is completely dependent on where our food is grown. In China there is a region where the soil contains a lot of selenium, which also makes people sick. The negative extreme is the Wuhan region, where the soil has almost no selenium at all.

If an animal is Se-deficient and becomes infected with a virus, that virus mutates more quickly.

Linus Pauling et al. took human T cells that they infected with HIV, and then exposed those cells to nontoxic concentrations of VC. That inactivated the virus by 99.8% within 4 days. Then they compared it to the in vitro studies of azithromycin (AZT), and VC performed much better.

44:00 Algeria knows how to do it. Their protocol for C19 includes VC, VD, zinc (Zn) and ivermectin (IVM).

Wuhan not only gave VC early on to everyone with C19 disease, but also to everyone with a positive PCR test (PCR+) and to all healthcare workers (presumably for prophylaxis).

46:00 ZhiYong Peng led research on VC for C19. They found an 80% reduction in ICU-patient mortality, which was also statistically significant (SS). With clinical patients, it was not possible to get enough participants to reach SS, because no one was sick anymore. When Holford contacted Dr Peng last December, the latter indicated that they had not had a single C19 pt since last April. Peng suspects that the wide spread of VC contributed to this.

48:00 Ascorbic acid is converted from glucose through a number of chemical steps in both the lab and in animals.
It is not really well demonstrated whether bioflavonoids enhance the effect of VC.

50:00 It does not matter which zinc salt is used to supplement.
If you look at which people live the longest, they are pescatarians. So not the vegans, vegetarians or carnivores.

52:00 Many vaccines use mercury as an adjuvant to stimulate an immune response. Later it was replaced by aluminum. You don't want both in your body.
Yellowfin tuna appears to have less mercury than bluefin tuna.
It turns out that the amount of mercury in a fish increases with the size of the fish (larger fish have a higher amount of mercury per gram of flesh). A good rule of thumb is not to eat fish larger than a salmon.

54:00 DHA can also be obtained from algae. Seaweed is actually algae with roots. Seaweed cannot store energy as saturated fat, because it becomes very hard at low temperatures, but it can store it as polyunsaturated fat, in this case DHA.

57:00 White blood cells have about 10x more VC than red blood cells. Under normal circumstances, a daily dose of 4-6 g VC is required to have sufficient VC in the white blood cells and thus to have a good starting point for an infection.

Like tamiflu, VC is a neuramidase inhibitor, which means that viruses are less able to infect new cells.
When fighting viruses, oxidants are formed, which consume VC.

When you supplement with VC, it will disappear within 3-4 hours, so it should be taken in staggered doses.

1:00:00 The recommended daily allowance (RDA, better known among orthomolecular experts as Ridiculous Dietary Arbitrary) for Zn is about 10-15 mg. However, if you have a viral infection, around 60-80 mg per day is required. Lozenges work better than regular tablets, because lozenges lead to better spread across the mucus membranes. (FP: If you don't have lozenges, you can chew normal tablets.)

It takes 3-4 days for VD to convert to the active form.

1:03:00 Anyone who dies from C19 does not die from the virus, but from virus residues that cause blood poisoning associated with hyperinflammation and hypercoagulation. The highest concentration of VC in our body is in the adrenal cortex. This is where both VC is stored and cortisol is produced. Cortisol is an anti-inflammatory substance. In a life-threatening situation, the adrenal cortex releases VC if it is still present there, which can increase the blood level by 20x. VC appears to have a synergistic effect with cortisol. It is not entirely clear how this works, but it is clear that VC is water-soluble and cortisol is fat-soluble.

1:05:00 There is a basic level of VC that is stored in the tissues. As long as they are not saturated, all the VC that is not immediately used by the body, is excreted again.

Excess VC is excreted in the urine. This helps prevent/treat bladder infections. You can easily measure how much VC is excreted via the urine using pee sticks. (The great thing about pee sticks is that they're non-invasive, while blood tests are invasive.) If the excreted VC-concentration that's too low, you know the intake is too low. Using this method, it was shown that patients in the ICU need at least 6-8 g/day VC. (FP: This is probably intravenous administration.)

1:08:00 It took the BMJ 4 years to uncover the research data for Tamiflu. This showed that the drug leads to a 13% shorter disease duration. With VC it ​​is easily possible to get 20% reduction.

1:10:00 It has long been clear that the elderly are especially susceptible to C19. Do the residents of elderly care have a sufficiently high VC level? Nobody knows. The last survey was conducted in 1992 and found that 40% had scurvy levels.

Holford et al. are now conducting a study in which the elderly receive a gradually increasing dose of VC over a longer period of time. During this process, urinary VC excretion is regularly measured. Once the excretion is sufficiently high, that will be the optimal dose. Holford expects supplementation to be necessary to get the optimal amount, with doses of at least 0.5 g.

1:13:00 VC is best absorbed in an acidic environment. If you have problems with diarrhea with a high dose of VC, you could take VC with apple cider vinegar, for example. This increases the absorption, leaving less that can lead to diarrhea.

For example, if you take the proton pump inhibitor (PPI) omeprazole, less stomach acid is produced, which means you absorb VC less well. In addition, you will also absorb much less B12, while that is an important driving factor in Alzheimer's.

1:16:00 The ascorbate form of VC, e.g. sodium ascorbate, do not have as fast an effect during a virus infection as ascorbic acid. The ascorbate forms are good, however, and can be combined well with ascorbic acid.

1:21:00 Blood pressure can be lowered, among other things, by relaxing the muscles in the blood vessels. Muscle tone is determined by the ratio between magnesium (Mg) and calcium (Ca). This insight leads to 2 ways to relax the muscles: by adding Mg or by blocking Ca. Calcium channel blockers do the latter. That works, but it also has negative side effects. Anyone who has heart problems should supplement with at least 300 mg of Mg daily.

Important insight: VC, Mg, DHA and B12 are all crucial to function optimally.

Holford is the founder of the website:

1:23:00 Holford has had C19 himself. That was pretty intense, but with (among other things?) high doses of VC he got it under control within 18 hours. (He is 63 years old.)

Holford has good contacts within the vaccine industry, and his sources tell him that it is certainly not excluded that C19 vaccinees will still receive ADE.

1:35:00 The estimates of the under-reporting of adverse effects of C19 vaccination range between 50% and 90% under-reporting.

1:38:00 Holford is working with Oxford researchers in an RCT testing high-dose B12 against placebo. It turns out that the B12 leads to 73% less brain shrinkage over a year than placebo! In people with pre-dementia who were given B12 and DHA, 30% had no more predementia over time and no more memory loss.


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