"Wake the Fuck Up" by Mark Attwood

2 years ago

Wake the Fuck Up!
by Mark Attwood

OK dear sheeple, you’ve had your fun, now shit’s about to get real
All that stuff you though you knew? It’s time you knew the deal…

Your government lied, your TV lied, your system is full of shit
There is no virus and Joe Biden lost – can you deal with it?

Jimmy Savile was the tip of the berg, you’re surrounded by paedophiles
That steal and eat children in underground tunnels that go on for thousands of miles

David Icke was right, The Queen is a lizard, I’m sorry to break it so hard
Your life is a dream, the nightmare is real, and it’s all in your own backyard

But you’ve had a good kip, for most of your years
It’s time to wake up and face up to your fears

You think the world’s mad, and you are right
But it’s madder than that, better hold tight

When the truth is unleashed it’s gonna hit home
All of this crap? One word – Adrenochrome

In front of your face, hidden in sight
They call it White Rabbit, but this bunny’s a fright

So sick and depraved, so evil and cruel
So hard to believe, we’re taken for fools

In simplest terms: our children are food
For underground demons, who’ve had you wooed

They built up a system, woven with spells, designed to deceive and delight
It’s really a farm, with us as the cattle, our souls stolen in cover of night

In your heart of hearts, you know this is true, although it’s a cross we must bear
It’s time to stand tall, and choose your side, do it with love and a prayer

God’s had enough, and sent some of us down, to help all our spirits develop
The darkest day is almost here…it’s time to wake the fuck up!

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