2 years ago

************Monthly Maps: July 2022 - SOURCE SHIELD

Core practice : SOURCE SHIELD
A lively and eye-opening discussion and presentation. Helps stabilise energetic structure : psychic attack, 5g Buffer Shield, radionics...

To complete this Presentation, please see: SOURCE SHIELD, by the River

This Transmission is free of Time and Space so can be In-joyed at whatever Vector Point Guided Here, in Truth. And So It Is! Beloved I Am.
Thank you! X

To DOWNLOAD this free Presentation including:
a 5+ hr video
A 5+ hr audio and colourful interactive PDF with links

please see here:

to join our future Monthly Maps, please see here:

Darling, AurorA'h and the Beloveds x

********please note some of the content may be triggering. This content is my personal opinion and provided for entertainment purposes only! It is not designed to cure, diagnose and/or treat any mental, emotional, or physical conditions. These topics invite you to use own discernment about your welfare and follow highest intuition.

All participants agreed to share their personal vibration and views etc, so please, kindly be respectful. Thank you! x

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