Did Matt Reeves & WB Steal The Batman Script From Chris Wozniak in Batman Gate

2 years ago

Have you heard if Batman Gate? Well if not we know you’ve seen or heard of The Batman from writer director Matt Reeves and Warner Media and DC on film starring Robert Pattinson as the titular caped crusader and Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman. One of the selling points of this film which exists outside of the now mostly defunct DCEU is that this film was the brainchild of its director and writer Matt Reeves. Well according to a long time freelancer from DC comics named Chris Wozniak the main story of this script was borrowed from a nearly 30 year old script he had written in the 90’s. So is there any validity to his claims, and does Warner Bros have some explaining to do? Join us as we discuss his allegations and if they seem plausible. Remember to smash the like button if you enjoyed the video, share it with some friends, and possibly subscribe if you'd like to see more content from us. Check us out on our other social media platforms!!!!!!
#dccomics #thebatman #mattreeves #batmangate

Batman Gate Videos: https://youtu.be/sEVb1A5ymhM

Music by: Remix Maniacs
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