Reports of Nursing Babies Vaccine Injured by Mother's Milk

2 years ago

Reports of Nursing Babies Vaccine Injured by Mother's Milk

August 12, 2022

Children's Health Defense

Maternal immunization results in secretion of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies into breast milk and evaluated any potential adverse events in women and their infants.

Current claims regarding the safety of the vaccine-mRNA itself are not supported by robust evidence. In a recent preprint, Low et al. did in fact detect SARS-CoV-2 vaccine mRNA in human breast milk. This was a small study of 10 lactating healthcare workers who were nursing their infants. Four breast milk samples were collected from each participant, one sample before being given their first dose of the Pfizer/BioNtech experimental vaccine, and three further samples at various intervals after the first and second doses, a total of 40 samples. We do not know if the samples represent the foremilk or hindmilk, which may impact results.

Looking at the study data, 4 of the 40 samples came from 3 participants out of the 10, meaning that 30% of the mothers tested positive to having vaccine-mRNA in their breast milk. Put another way, 3 out of 10 babies are being exposed to experimental vaccine-mRNA. This number may likely be greater, given nursing infants often nurse more than five times a day, and the only 4 samples of breast milk collected per participant, were taken over several weeks.

A better study would have taken at minimum two samples every day, with one sample being foremilk and one being hindmilk, for at least 28 days post first and again post second dose of the experimental vaccination.


We are supposed to always err on the side of caution: ‘First, Do No Harm’. Experimental interventions should not be made that do not have robust evidence of safety as well as efficacy. This is exactly why ‘whole of life’ animal studies, including pregnancy and lactation animal studies must be completed BEFORE implementing human trials of any sorts, as per point 3 of the Nuremberg Code. This has not been done: the human trials have not even reached a full year yet, did not include pregnant or lactating women, nor nursing infants. As a result, no safety can be ascertained, and therefore should not be claimed.



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