2 years ago

1 Thessalonians 5:11 King James Version
11 Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.


Allow me to ask these questions from this morning's devotional, and I pray that they not only encourage you, but they challenge you in your faith.

Who had faith in you and helped you succeed?

What did that person do to encourage you?

I got to thinking of this while I was reading this morning's passage of scripture, because that was who Barnabas was. He was an encourager in every sense of the word and was willing to give his own nephew a second chance, despite Paul's misgivings. Praise God that him giving that second chance to John Mark wasn't in vain! I got to thinking not only about that, but of all the individuals in my own life, who God put in my path to encourage me, to show me that I was worth something in God's eyes, and thus helping me succeed. They told me that I was worth more than being a wife/sex object, that I had the God-given talent to sing, and to not be like a wimp about it, but most of all they work godly example of what a parent should be, believing in the abilities that God gave me, and never discouraged me from using them.

I'd like to share some thoughts that were on my heart tonight, through this vlog, and I pray that would I share not only encourages you and your walk with the Lord, but motivates you to be an encouragement to others who were new in their faith. Come join me in this blog, and learn what it means to allow God to make you His encourager! 😊

As I close this post for tonight I pray today, that You will see how important it is to be that godly encouragement to the young believer who needs it to most, and be that GENUINE encouragement to them. Is there somebody out there, who has a gift from God that you can nourish, but you don't know how to do so? Ask God for His guidance and direction as to how you can help that person, and watch what God will do for them through you. Ask God to help you be a godly influence to that person, encourage that person in the Lord every day, to know that they are special in God's eyes, and let them know how much they are loved and valued by God. Who knows. God may be using you to help encourage the next Billy Graham!!! In short, don't be afraid to be an encourager!



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