A Whole Bible Look at Revelation 1, 2, & 3: The Empire Strikes Back

2 years ago

In this video Bruce Bertram from The Word of God Ministries and http://www.wholebible.com gives his opinion answering the question: Why did Jesus pick these seven congregations for specific letters out of all the others at the time?

The answer may lie in their proximity to Constantinople and the taking over of Christianity by the emperor Constantine to make it the state religion. The (satanic) empire strikes back at believers. But instead of defeating believers, Rome just co-opted the movement for a time. The church was born; believers lost even though they appeared to have won, but the rebellion of believers continues. The church sells out, the Nicolaitans take over, but the battle of the Kingdom continues and we will ultimately win if we just persevere in our testimony of Jesus and obedience to the Word.

Apologies if you noted that the address of the previous video was at Youtube. We moved our videos from there, so the Rumble address is https://rumble.com/v1gckxt-a-whole-bible-look-at-revelation-1-2-and-3-there-is-no-church-in-the-bible.html

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