According2Sam #128 'Defund the FBI'

1 year ago

Comparing the calls to defund the police during the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020 to the current calls to defund the FBI by members of Congress is utter sophistry. The calls to defund the police in 2020 were met with actual policies to defund local police agencies in several municipalities. Los Angeles, Austin, and New York City are a few examples of cities that actually defunded their police departments, despite criticism and objections to the policy. It was their prerogative! The people of those cities elect mayors and city councils that have oversight over those local police departments. In fact, it was only after the policy started polling negatively that Democrats started fleeing from it. When Congresswoman Greene tweeted "DEFUND THE FBI" she received lots of criticism as well, even some from her own party. Congressman Grenshaw said that it made Republicans look "unserious". However, Greene was the only one who was actually being serious about oversight of the FBI. Why is it Congress's job to do oversight of the FBI, and what leverage does Congress have to compel the FBI to comply with their oversight outside of funding? Join the conversation and get answers to these questions and more on According2Sam episode #128.

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