How to play Battleship Express

2 years ago

Learn the rules to the dice game Battleship Express quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the 2 player game is to sink all 5 of your opponent’s ships. In a 3 player game, you must be the first to sink 4 enemy ships, and in a 4 player game you must be the first to sink 3 enemy ships. Each player takes 5 ship tiles, one of each kind. If playing the basic game, set them logo side up on the table in front of them in a line in whatever order they each desire. The ship that is farthest to your right is at the front of your fleet while the ship at the far left is at the end. The number here indicates how many dice that ship attacks with. This number indicates how many hits it takes to sink that ship. Pick a player to go first then play proceeds clockwise.

On your turn, decide which one of your ships will attack. Then move that ship to the front of the fleet. Next, pick which opponent’s fleet you will attack and then pick either of the 2 front most ships in that fleet to specifically target. Roll the quantity of dice as indicated on your attacking ship’s tile. All dice that match your target ship, and all bursts, count as hits, all other dice symbols count as misses. Set all the hits aside and if you don’t have enough to sink the targeted ship, then re-roll the remaining dice 1 time and add any new hits rolled to your total.

If you still don’t have enough hits to sink the targeted ship, then nothing happens, and your turn ends. If you do have enough hits to sink the targeted ship, then take that ship tile from your opponent’s fleet set it next to you to keep track of how many ships you’ve sunk. If a player loses all their ships, they are eliminated from the game.

When you attack with your submarine, it has a special power. If you roll a burst, you instantly sink whatever ship you are targeting. The first player to sink the needed number of ships wins.

You can also play with the advanced rules. When placing your ship tiles, place them logo side down, revealing a unique power on each ship. When attacking with any ship, follow that ship’s special attack rules. Take special note that the aircraft carrier doesn’t need to move to the front of the fleet in order to attack and the submarine can attack any ship in an opponent’s fleet.

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