The Fear Translator Workshop Promo

1 year ago

In this workshop, you'll:
✨Find out how to approach and work with the energy of fear.
✨Discover easy, potent exercises to help you shift the energy around fear.
✨Access guidance to develop a set of “smart questions” that allow you to move through mental obstacles that fear may throw your way.
✨Receive a workbook/journal for quick access to the tools you have learned and daily prompts to stay aligned with your empowered self.

I want you to move from being paralyzed by fear to finding empowerment in it. By consciously understanding your fear, you can overcome several mental blocks and move through life easily.

Throughout this workshop, I'll teach you how to discover, accept, and work through your fears. I'll also provide you with proven methods and the tools you need to move out of the fear zone whenever you're stuck.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to unearth your magic and make worthwhile changes in your life and the lives of others!

To join The Fear Translator Workshop, click here:

If you join before August 17th, 2022 you can use code EARLYBIRD to get $100 off

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