Dr Norman Swan ABC news. "Good News"

2 years ago

"The Good News"

Is the Gospel of Jesus Christ and heaven awaits for All those who choose to receive it.

The bad news is if you die unforgiven, unrepentant, in your sin then the wrath of God abides on you and fearful judgment and the second death Hell awaits the soul.

So be sure in the word of God King James Bible that your works do follow you at death Justice, Mercy, Rewards or Punishment.

These peddlers of death and destruction of lives "Good news" to them will get their eternal Damnation when they stand in the court of God at death.

Hades, Sheol, Hell are the earths largest eternal prisons and from them their is no escape. "Abandon all hope those who enter in"

Freemasonry the 33th Degree

Jesus was 30 years old when he started his ministry.

"Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand"

3 Years it lasted then at at age 33 he Died and Resurrected to sit on his throne at the right hand of God the Father of all creation who Reigns eternally.

Make your peace with Jesus. Its your only choice.

The alternative is unthinkable.

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