Husbands Lead Your Wives According to Scripture (Ephesians 5:25)

3 years ago

Husbands lead your wives by obeying these verses and the verses that follow. The primary commands for husbands: “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word” (Ephesians 5:25-26).

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Here's the accompanying podcast episode:

Church and Family Life interviewed me for their podcast. Here is the description:

We are here today to encourage husbands to lead their families. The most common complaint wives make about their husbands is that they are not leading in the home. We also know that God gave husbands a hard job – they must lead their wives and children in very particular, highly defined ways. So, we hope this podcast will be an encouragement to them as they face the challenge and shoulder the responsibility.

Also, part of the interview were:

Jason Dohm is a full-time pastor at Sovereign Redeemer Community Church in Youngsville, North Carolina. He graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1992 with a B.A. in education and proceeded to a lengthy career in electronics manufacturing. Jason has been married to Janet for 30 years and has six children and four grandchildren.

Scott T. Brown is the president of Church and Family Life and pastor at Hope Baptist Church in Wake Forest, North Carolina. Scott graduated from California State University in Fullerton with a degree in History and received a Master of Divinity degree from Talbot School of Theology. He gives most of his time to local pastoral ministry, expository preaching, conferences on church and family reformation. Scott helps people think through the two greatest institutions God has provided — the church and the family.

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