Abraham Hicks, Esther Hicks "Let go and let it in" Asheville

1 year ago

Welcome to another recording.This audio was recorded on 4/23/16 in Asheville, NC. Asheville, for those that don't know the material well, is an appreciated for a-lot of people due to the great material from Abraham. Although I will say, no matter where the material comes from is compelling. In this recording, Abraham goes on to explain what it means to "let go & let it in" which is more of just relaxing and focusing on what we want instead of focusing on the lack of it. Manifesting is always a great thing, but we must enjoy the journey purely, before our vortexes sweep us into that magical manifesting scenarios that we want and deserve.If you are wanting more information about this recording, and so much more, please feel free to visit www.abraham-hicks.com, and if you are enjoying the content please like, and subscribe to my channel, so that I can continue to bring you this life changing material.#Manifesting #vortex #selfcare #universalforces #Lawofattraction #Alignment #Basking #Broadcaster #Innerbeing #innerguidance #theWobblefreezone


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🎥 Video Footage
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Video by ANTONI SHKRABA from pexels
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Video by cottonbro from pexels
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