Crowdfunding of weapons for Ukraine: hysterical liberal PR in Poland

1 year ago

“On the Barricades” s05e15

This week on “On the Barricades” hosts Boyan Stanislavski and Maria Cernat speak with guest Dorota Niemitz, an activist and freelance journalist of Polish origin. We discuss a morally and politically grotesque development in the pro-Ukraine war propaganda campaign which occurred recently there. That is, when the pseudo-radical leftist journal Krytyka Polityczna (“Political Critique”) organized a crowd-funding to solicit donations for a drone and other military-humanitarian support for Ukrainian forces. This campaign was jumped on by all walks of Polish celebrities and politicians, amounting to some 5 million euros. It served as advertising for the weapons manufacturer, who offered a “buy one get one free” kind of promotion. This is a perfect example, although at a new level of cynicism, of how the media and communication meticulously crafts PR campaigns based on liberal moralistic hysteria. This serves imperialist ends, to squeeze some more support for the war in a period when society is tired of it and suffering through an economic crisis, having already seen public resources funnelled away to Ukraine.

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