LEAKED - Pentagon Briefing 'FUNVAX' - The MRNA vaccine that brainwashes the recipient!

1 year ago

source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/psvaRjCfofcb/

LEAKED: Pentagon Briefing 'FUNVAX' - The MRNA vaccine that brainwashes the recipient!!!. There is good evidence showing that king cobra snake venom is used to cause the initial DNA 'break' for the 'splice'. It should be noted that DNA is so small it cannot be observed, and that even traces of snake venom are highly toxic to blood and internal organs. These people are clearly insane. This is not Bill Gates speaking. The video has been authenticated by several sources including the leak source who later added the time stamp. #NEWS #LEAKED #BANNED #FUNVAXX #FUNVAX #GENOCIDE #GOD #JESUS #REVELATION #APOCALYPSE #MEDIA #ARMY #NAVY #UKRAINE #TUNNELS #DUMBS #TRUMP #LETSGOBRANDON #REALNEWS #BILLYJONES
For entertainment only.

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