Joe Biden Touts Another ‘Successful’ Mission in Kabul

1 year ago

[00:30] Kari Lake’s Truth Bomb (16 minutes)
Last week, Arizona candidate for governor Kari Lake spoke out strongly against the stolen election, stating that we have only “minutes left on the clock to save this country.” This aligns exactly with what we have been saying for years about the Communist takeover of America’s government.
[16:00] Zawahiri Killed in Kabul (8 minutes)
A year ago, Joe Biden was claiming that America’s mission in Afghanistan was finished and that Afghanistan really wasn’t that important from a geopolitical standpoint. Now, the air strike that killed al Qaeda leader and 9/11 plotter Ayman al-Zawahiri in Kabul is being held up as a huge win for the Biden administration. But as the Atlantic noted, the elderly Zawahiri’s death isn’t as significant as it is being portrayed.
[24:15] Taiwan Thrown Under the Bus (6 minutes)
Amid the controversy surrounding Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby stated yesterday, “We don’t support Taiwan independence.” Studying the history of U.S.-Taiwan relations makes it clear that we have utterly abandoned this little democratic nation in favor of its Communist neighbor.
[30:07] Friends of the World—Enemies of God (17 minutes)
As Herbert W. Armstrong wrote in The Plain Truth About Healing, we lack the power of God today because we are too close to the world. The Bible makes it clear that if you are a friend of this world, you are the enemy of God! We must not follow the ways of the world like thoughtless sheep; instead, we must stand up for God’s truth and become close friends with God.
[47:35] E-mail Feedback (8 minutes)

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