WAR declared on the Clark County Family Court System 4 22 2017

5 years ago

This is what we do! But the courts will do whatever it takes to isolate and discredit us! They will use minions who never met us nor had a conversation with us in an effort to defame us hoping that people with an extreme low eye-cue would jump on their bandwagon and spread their garbage.

We must pay attention to all District Court Judge’s and Hearing Masters; all 52 Clark County District Court seats will be up for re-election and 6 newly added seats in January 2020.
We should also pay attention to Retired Judges who seek the appointment to the Senior Judge Program, it’s not automatic.

These judges will start campaigning this year and Hearing Masters would more than likely seek the position of judgeship.

Judicial candidates will start placing their names on the ballot in January 2020.
If anyone would like to be a court observer please contact Steve Sanson 702 283 8088, don’t wait until you become a victim of Clark County Family Court. Educate yourself today!



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