属灵的力量并非取决于圣经学习 Spiritual Strength is NOT Hinged On Bible Study

1 year ago

原视频SOURCE https://youtu.be/6aX7OW6yxp8

2022年8月16日 Originally Posted by WarningThePeople

油管频道Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/warningthepeople




悲哀的是,许多基督徒认为他们属灵的力量取决于他们对圣经的掌握程度,以及他们读圣经的频率。 这就是为什么他们相信,如果他们常常学习圣经,常常读圣经,他们就会变得刚强有力。 他们认为他们能够用圣经抵挡撒旦。

但看看所有了解圣经的人,看看所有对妻子不忠的牧师们,他们都读过神学院。 看看所有所谓的基督教信仰的领袖,他们对圣经了如指掌,但却陷入各种罪中,或自杀,或好色......他们并不是走在去天国的路上,尽管他们已经参加了圣经学习加入了教会。 跟随耶稣并进入他的国不是在于圣经,而是在于耶稣基督。 大多数基督徒都在崇拜圣经,他们称它为 "上帝的道"。 他们把圣经当作他们的神,他们崇拜圣经,爱慕圣经,他们对圣经卑躬屈膝。 但他们不认识也不尊荣耶稣基督!他们嘲讽真正的先知。 你在跟随耶稣基督吗? 你谦卑在他面前了吗? 你穿上了你的白袍吗? 还是你跟那些假冒伪善的基督徒一样崇拜圣经? 愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。

Spiritual Strength is NOT Hinged On Bible Study

Sadly, many Christians suppose that their spiritual strength is hinged upon how well they know the bible, and how often they read it. This is why they are convinced that if they are always in bible study, always reading the bible, that they will be strong. They suppose they will be able to ward off Satan with the bible. But look at all the people that know the bible, look at all the pastors who are cheating on their wives, that have been to seminary. Look at all the supposed leaders of the Christian faith who know the bible forward and backwards who are caught in all sorts of sin, who are committing suicide or who are very lustful… They are NOT making it into the Kingdom of Heaven even though they have made it to bible study and to church. Following Jesus and entering His Kingdom is not about the bible, it is about Jesus Christ. The majority of Christians are worshiping the bible, they call it the “Word of God”. They have set up the bible as their god, they worship it, they adore it, they bow down before it. But they don’t know or honor JESUS CHRIST! They make fun of the true prophets. Are you following Jesus Christ? Are you humble before HIM? Do you have on your white robes? Or are you like the Christian hypocrites who worship the bible? May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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