認識撒但儀式虐待和解離性身分障礙 第 9堂 /

2 years ago

2018年 10月9日 – 第一堂 - - 免費下載於 https://www.dougriggs.org/SRA-DID-Res...

本堂是為教會領袖和輔導員而舉辦的研討會; 道格牧師一開始引用他所撰寫,存在他的網站上,供以參閱的一篇文章題為《基督徒的路西弗國度化》(The Luciferian Kingdomization of Christians)。 阿曼達繼續教導如何服事核心身份;如何處理否認、痛苦、困惑和基督徒的門面身分; 阿曼達和道格輪流解釋他們對倖存者事奉的經驗和觀點; 如何處理恥辱; 次人格和主要身份之間的區別; 與倖存者進行面談; 有權發言的初始主要身分; 發現最初向耶穌敞開心扉被帶進死亡的人; 希特勒的妻子生下的拿非利人並作其母親 - 然後與拿非利人發生亂倫關係(塞米拉米斯 / 塔穆茲Semiramis/Tammuz),在 DID 系統中保持極性; '王后' vs 被鄙視的把心獻給耶穌的小孩; 基督徒被獻祭作為世界領導人的資源庫——尤其是來北韓的。

A John Mark Video Production

October 9, 2018 - Session 1 - - Free download at https://www.dougriggs.org/SRA-DID-Res...

Continuation of seminar aimed at church leaders and counselors; Doug opens by referring to his article "The Luciferian Kingdomization of Christians" available on his website; Amanda continues with working with the core identity; working with denial, pain, confusion and the Christian Presenter; Amanda and Doug tag-team to explain their experience and perspective working with survivors; navigating shame; difference between alters and primary identities; conducting the interview with survivor; Primary Person who has the authority to speak; discovering the one who opened their heart to Jesus taken into death; wife of Hitler gives birth to Nephilim as mother - then sexual incest relationship with Nephilim (Semiramis/Tammuz) that maintains polarity in the DID system; the 'queen' vs the despised little one who gave their heart to Jesus; Christians sacrificed as resource pool for world leaders - especially from North Korea.

A John Mark Video Production

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