Ep. 5035 – Pete Quinones on Gun Control, Health Care, and the War on Drugs – 8/9/2019

5 years ago

Pete Quinones, formerly Mance Rayder, discusses some of his recent articles for the Libertarian Institute, covering gun control, Trump’s election in 2016, and Bernie Sanders’ proposed health care laws. After the shootings last week in El Paso and Dayton, many Americans have been calling for stricter gun control laws. Quinones reminds us that anything approaching the full confiscation of guns across the entire country that would be required to actually stop those who are desperate to get a gun from getting one would probably result in open violence between civilians and the police tasked with carrying out the program. He believes this could be the final straw that causes states to secede from the union, and so in one sense, it might not be such a bad thing if these policies caught on. They also discuss the drug war and America’s growing police state.

Pete Quinones is managing editor of the Libertarian Institute and host of the Free Man Beyond the Wall podcast. He is the author of Freedom Through Memedom: The 31-Day Guide to Waking Up to Liberty and is co-producing the documentary, The Monopoly On Violence.

Check out the interview page here: https://libertarianinstitute.org/scotthortonshow/8-9-19-pete-quinones-on-gun-control-health-care-and-the-war-on-drugs/

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