GLOBALISTS PLAN CLIMATE TYRANNY! - Carbon Credit Conspiracy COMES TRUE! - Great Reset!

1 year ago

GLOBALISTS PLAN CLIMATE TYRANNY! - Carbon Credit Conspiracy COMES TRUE! - Great Reset!

Josh Sigurdson reports on the carbon credit climate tyranny about to be forced unto the masses with rations, droughts and technocratic, transhumanist takeovers of all resources in the controlled collapse of the supply chain, inflation and gas crisis.
In this video, we break down the low water levels in Germany, France, the Netherlands, Austria, California, New Jersey, India and basically everywhere else as the globalists implode the economy and the supply chain all while coming in with a new technocratic replacement that involves selling off our very humanity to comply with transhumanism.
With carbon credits tied to bank accounts and social credit, we will be enslaved forever if we do not reject this tyranny TODAY, not tomorrow!

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