Dealing With Upset Customers - Managing The Risk And Improving The Situation

2 years ago

How you deal with problems may be a key to business growth

How you deal with customer issues is not just good business, it can also be good legal risk management.

Let’s take a look at new ways to deal with upset customers that will make your business better - and maybe keep legal costs and distractions down.

Join me for this video.

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Video Contents:

0:00 - Introduction
1:08 - Disclaimer
1:19 - Don’t Focus On Risk First
2:44 - Think About Relationship
4:24 - Listen And Take Notes
6:03 - Confirm Understanding
7:09 - Acknowledge Understanding
8:50 - Attempt To Co-Create Solution
10:03 - Involve Lawyers
11:00 - Bringing It All Together


NOTE: While legal issues are discussed this is education and is not legal advice. It is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. Please consult your own attorney on your situation and get legal advice about your circumstances. Courts are unpredictable may disagree with the author’s opinions.

This is not financial or investment advice.

P.S. You may get new updates on business issues by following on substack:


#customers #customerservice #customerissues

Video Concepts:

Dealing With Upset Customers - Managing The Risk And Improving The Situation, customers, customer service, customer issues, business growth, risk management, business risk, dealing with business risk, business law, corporate law, r shawn mcbride, how to grow your business, managing risk, risk issues in business,

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