Ode to Womanhood

1 year ago

Remastered YXXX dedicated to true womanhood:
"They tell I'm a Y the stronger sex, but I lost in your arms in XXX."
My concept is that the women outweigh the men since it takes XY to make a man and XX to make a woman. Nettie Stevens (1861-1912) (shown in the beginning) discovered X&Y sex chromosomes. She didn't get credit because she had two X’s!
Surely this song is controversial in these times. It emphasizes the importance of female and male energy. In the masquerade like with Romeo and Juliet, there is an energy deeper than sex and the reason for life and love.
In these times of CRISPR that will create perfect androgynous superhumans via gene manipulation and the current trend to make us all resent the sex that we were born with, we must treasure the genes that the Universe gave us.
Flirting should not be sexual harassment. It is the way of the animal kingdom. The difference is that in human relationships, one must be guided by conscience. Just because there are abusers out there is not a reason to condemn all men or women. Love is Love. Sex is sex regardless of gender.
The universal male icon is Michelangelo David statue in Gallery of the Academy of Florence, Italy. and the female icon Venus de Milo in Louvre, Paris. Naked Maja and Clothed Maja by Francisco Goya at Museo del Prado, Madrid.
Song by Dylan Stephens, Performers Dylan Stephens, Kes Stephens, Tarot Stephens, Nirvana Guernsey See https://buffalorising.infinitesouluti... for a complete list of my songs.Songs by Dylan Stephens

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