A Holy Audit (August 13, 2022)

2 years ago

Hello Trillium Truthers! In this video, I share a Good Report of how the Lord has met our needs in finding my family a new car! Praise God for He is Good!

I then pray and read the word as received by the Lord (on August 13, 2022). Then I read the declaration that the Lord gave me regarding His involvement in our cities, towns and communities. The Lord wants to commence a Holy Audit of every official and seat of authority across the land. Whether big or small, He wants us to invite Him to commence just rulings and exposures in our home towns! So, get ready to see change in your very own cities! Amen.

Then, towards the end, I read Jeremiah Chapter 2, since the Lord has been pointing me to Jeremiah 2:12 for several weeks. It wasn't until recently that I understood how it relates to Canada and what God wants to see accomplished. We are no longer digging " broken cisterns" by our own flesh but rather through His Grace, Power and the prompting of Holy Spirit we are going to build, in this nation Canada, cisterns of the Spirit that will contain the Living Water of God! For He is pouring His Spirit upon all flesh! Amen.

Lastly, the video session is finished off with Holy Spirit Prayer Time. So, don't miss out! He came with such a heavy anointing that I was undone and so moved.

For the written and typed out copies of this reading please visit the Trillium Truth blog here: https://trilliumtruth.blogspot.com/2022/08/a-holy-audit.html

YouTube Version Here: https://youtu.be/CddQVpbPsCc

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*Note: Intro music courtesy of https://www.bensound.com/. Thank you!

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