Jude 1:22-23 Show mercy to the lost

2 years ago

Jude 1:22-23 Show mercy to the lost
Compassion seems to be a commodity that is rapidly becoming extinct in our American Society. It almost seems as if our society has become numb to those hurting around them as it becomes more and more self-centered. Instead of having compassion on those who are less fortunate we try to figure out how to blame them for the circumstances they find themselves in, instead of lending a helping hand. It is a lot easier for us to point out what past mistakes led to their problem instead of bending down with a helping hand to pull them out of the mess they find themselves in. We can overlook they are homeless because they was addicted to drugs, we can overlook they are hungry because they choose to waste the money they had, and we can overlook they are jobless because are lazy and don’t want to work. We have become experts as reasoning shy someone deserves the circumstances, they find their self. Sadly, I feel this mentality has trickled into the church as well when it comes to the way we view the lost in the world around us. We see their behavior and simply just say, they are going to get what they deserve when they leave this earth.
Jude tell us that our hearts should not be this way towards the world but instead we should have genuine concern and care for their eternal wellbeing. He says to be merciful to those who doubt the truth and seek to snatch them from the fire of eternal judgment that is come. Our job is not to condemn the world around but instead lead them into a right relationship with God. Our job is to share the love of God with them and to show them the path to eternal life through our Lord, Jesus Christ. We should look down upon them because of their lifestyle, instead we should have compassion upon them because we know there is an escape from the judgment to come. We have received mercy for our sinful ways, we should want everyone we encounter to find the same. We must start looking at the world as God does, hate the sin but love the one who is sinning. He loved us all enough to send His Son Jesus to die for our sins so that we can restore our relationship with God.

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