Stripped of Pride

1 year ago


Can America shine as brightly as it once did?
“Our Constitution is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.” – Patrick Henry

Let the Lion roar as it did before.
Let the Eagle fly high once more.
Let me see such a wondrous sight
unfold a'fore me as I wage this fight.
Just one more time--

Give me a penny, nickel, or shiny dime,
so, I can say words uttered of a former day
when life was lived in another way--

When the proud Lion roared
as the Eagle soared,
and pennies and nickels and dimes
helped me make the rhymes.

The Lion’s full mane is turning gray.
The Eagle’s dim sight can’t find its prey,
and the loose change bounces off the floor
into the hands of those who seek more.

Now I will make my lonely bed,
and place a downy pillow for my head
on paths swept clean many times before,
to reminisce on days of peace with no war--

I seek a time when the proud Lion protected the weak,
and majestic Eagle was vigilant o’er his beak,
and the pennies, nickels and dimes
were spread equally in happier times.

“History does not long in trust the care in freedom to the weak or the timid.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower

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