Lt. Col. Theresa Long MD: “Hell No” to Any CV19 Vax. Horror: US Air Force has been Decimated!

1 year ago

Lt. Col. Theresa Long is a Medical Doctor at Fort Rucker who is one of the U.S. Army’s top Flight Surgeons and an expert on public health. Dr. Long makes sure military pilots are ready and able to fly America’s complicated and lethal aircraft. Dr. Long has been a skeptic of the so-called Covid-19 experimental vaccines from the beginning. After months of medical observation of the devastating effects of these injections, she’s come to a conclusion the top Army Brass does not like. When asked if she would recommend the CV19 vax to pilots she evaluates, Dr. Long, who is unvaxed, says, “If you think for a moment that the very same doctors, politicians or whoever that told you this was safe and effective, if you are waiting and holding your breath for them to come back and say, oops, we made a mistake, it’s dangerous and deadly, that’s never going to happen.”

And if an Army pilot walked into Dr. Long’s office and asked if the CV19 vax was safe? What would she tell them? Dr. Long says, “I would tell them, ‘Hell no, I don’t think it’s safe.’”

Covid Truths ~ Lt Col Theresa Long US Army

Eagle Forum of Alabama

DoD Med Data: Military Cancer Cases 3x, Neurological Disorders 10x, Female INFERTILITY 5x up since the Jab Rollout
Above is Excerpt From COVID-19: A Second Opinion Senator Ron Johnson Published January 24, 2022
Discussion begins around 40 minute mark. Sen. Ron Johnson moderates a panel discussion,


BONUS by way of Paul Craig Roberts Institute for Political Economy

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