This Attack Is Bigger Than Salman Rushdie… – Press For Truth

1 year ago

This Attack Is Bigger Than Salman Rushdie… – Press For Truth [VIDEO]

PressForTruth Published August 13, 2022

News and Commentary
"police claim they have yet to determine a motive even though a bounty was put on Rushdie’s life by Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini,"

By Zach Heilman
August 14, 2022
Image Credit: Press For Truth

“Salman Rushdie, author of “The Satanic Verses,” has been attacked while speaking in New York, and police claim they have yet to determine a motive even though a bounty was put on Rushdie’s life by Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, in which he sentenced him to death for publishing that book!

In this video, Dan Dicks of Press For Truth discusses the issues of freedom of expression and freedom of speech and also the hypocrisy in our leaders who claim to stand for these rights while at the same time their actions show that they believe the exact opposite!” – Press For Truth

Sources referenced by Dan in the video above:

Radio Free Europe: Salman Rushdie Hospitalized On Ventilator, With Damaged Liver, Severed Arm Nerves, After Attack
Times Of Israel: ‘No one will any longer dare offend Islam’: The 1989 fatwa against Salman Rushdie
AP News: Praise, worry in Iran after Rushdie attack; government quiet
The Straits Times: Salman Rushdie suspect had Shi’ite extremist sympathies: Report

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