MODERN WOMEN TAKE NOTE: 100-Year Old Welcomes 100th Great-Grandchild, Madonna Down Bad

2 years ago

Marguerite Koller is on the cusp of 100 and as an early birthday celebration, welcomed the 100th member of her very large family. A great-grandson named after her late Husband, Koller William. She nearly missed out on having a fulfilling life because back in the 1940's, she nearly entered a nunnery, if not for a meeting with her future-husband, William, that started the extensive family.

Madonna, on the other hand, is the encapsulation of the modern woman: Get the bag, deal with the consequences at a later date. She is out on the stroll, delving deeper into her E.T. cosplay by the day, and pimping her "son" on Late Night talk shows because she lived a life of short term thrills, but long term problems. You hate to see it, but sucks to suck.

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