Part 1 God's Coded Language is all about TRANSPARENCY

1 year ago

Unlike secret societies and corrupt political and religious leaders, God Almighty is transparent. He has provided all of mankind with evidence of His existence and power. To His people, He has given them all what they need to know about His plan for them and the nations of the world. At the end of the age, God will judge all people; they will be without excuse.

The transparency of God is unveiled through His use of imagery, mirroring, parables, parallels and numbers, stories, foreshadows not to mention creation all around us on earth.

God is consistent in His use of His coded language. The imagery in the scriptures can be easily decoded when you understand how to use the key. Unlock the mysteries and enter into the world of Almighty God. You will find treasures never seen before and riveting prophesies lying on our near horizon.


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