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Ruby Freeman Election Fraud 2020

2 years ago

Ruby Freeman Election Fraud 2020 Fulton county President Trump and Corrupt Secretary of State Brad Rasenberger


  • 0/2000
  • When we could WATCH, on LIVESTREAM, Republican poll watchers and challengers all get forcibly removed from the counting centers, and then the Democrats election officials barricade themselves into the buildings..... that should have been all it took to completely nullify EVERY vote in those buildings. Once you do that, nothing you've touched can be trusted AT ALL, and all of them should have been arrested immediately.

  • I live in Fulton County. There is no doubt she will gain an indictment with the kind of jury pool she will get. It sickens me that so many GA GOP voters cluelessly voted for Kemp and Raffensberger.

  • They lied to the observers. That’s why they left. I watched this as soon as it was leaked. There’s proof of these ballot felons on this clip, or at least the complete video. I’m shocked to see “Ruby’s” daughter is a permanent employee.

  • So who called off the other states that were swing states from counting? A fake leak from GA. doesn't have anything to do with these other states. Because they needed the time to get all those fake ballots trucked in the middle of the night. The real question is Who called off the count in all these states?

  • anyone involved in forcefully removing poll watchers should be arrested and fined for those criminal acts

  • How can SO many people lie SO much about SO many things. I guess I'm a weirdo for never lying, not even about Santa Claus. I just can't relate to people who's entire lives revolve around lies. It's just unimaginable that they live this way!

  • If the monitors were prevented from overseeing the counting of the ballots, then it was a crime for those who INTERFERED with the RIGHTS of the monitors. Plain and simple. Justice is coming!!!!

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  • I have Ruby Freeman’s Facebook posts where she admits cheating!

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  • I remember people witnessing the ballots being taken and transported from the poll station to large warehouses for shredding.

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