4.11a Yahusha's Crucifixion Year Mini Version Pt 2

2 years ago

Everyone, here is the mini version video presentation for Part 2 of the Calendar Crunch when it comes to the proper timing of the crucifixion events of our Messiah. (The last study [Part 1 & related mini versions] was removing the Rubble of Tradition - do check it out.)  The long detailed study for Part 2 will follow shortly, but if you have not heard of this "Calendar Crunch" that is absolutely verified in the Gospels without a shadow of any doubt, you'll want to dedicate a few minutes of your time to check this out - with your open Bible beside you.  What is the "big news"?  If you have not seen either the shorter editions (yes 2 of them) and the long detailed study for Part 1, then you do not know there are 2 calendars in the Gospels.  Yes, Yahusha observes the Torah festivals on His Covenant Calendar, with the counterfeit calendar of the unbelieving Jews tracked down by the very words of the illegitimate high priest of the corrupt system in Judah.  By the time of Yahusha's final Passover and sacrifice, these 2 calendars are offset by only 12 hours - yes, that means that the counterfeit lunar calendar begins its Abib 14 day 12 hours AFTER Abib 14 on the Covenant Calendar.  Put on your "calendar glasses" and come and see.


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