4.6 Discovering Yahuah's Covenant Calendar Part 1 of 2

3 years ago

Questions for consideration:
Those that are following a lunar based calendar, and set their festival count according to the moon, is this considered as serving and worshipping the moon according to 2 commands of Moses in Deut 4 and 17?
If the moon is not in charge of the commencement of the 1st month of the year, which is also the year commencement ... what then will be the Torah based command for the "start of the Festal year"?
Yahuah's Covenant Calendar year contains only 360 days. What are we supposed to do with the 5+ extra days as counted out on our civil calendars today? Will the civil calendar eventually be turned back to Yahuah's original design of only 360 days/year to fulfill the command that Yahuah's people will know the "end from the beginning" as expressed 7 times in Isaiah?
Is it a salvational issue to follow a Festal calendar that is not based completely in Torah, according to Yahuah's Covenant Calendar guidelines?

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